Friday, July 9, 2010

Back to reality!

We had a great week at the beach and some beautiful weather.  I took very few pictures this week because I really hated taking my big camera down to the beach because I always feared that it would get wet or sandy.  I always found a half opened drink pouch in my bag and I just couldn't take the risk.  Anyway..I got some good pictures the first couple of days and then I just didn't stress about it afterwards.  Macy had a great week and enjoyed the beach until about Thursday.  She had a melt down and was just plain tired.  We had taken our bikes so after an hour ride on the bike trail and then the beach she just couldn't take much more.  The last night we planned to go out to eat pizza and then play putt putt but after the melt down and almost packing up to come home I decided we better just order in and relax.  Macy was asleep by 7:30 and then I was able to pack up.  I posted a few of my favorites!  Our family picture needs a little Lissa work before I post it.  I love this picture of David and Macy!


Goin_Coastal said...

GREAT pix! Sounds like a great week. And I completely understand the melt-down. I think I'm about to have one myself ~

Wanda, Geoff and Lexi said...

I'm glad yall had a great time. I love the pictures! It's so hard to come back to reality isn't it? At least you left your house nice and clean so that when you came back all you had was the "great mess" you brought back! That's the worst part of going anywhere!