Saturday, July 17, 2010

A Crazy week!

We have been crazy busy this week.  First...we started VBS on Sunday night from 6-9 and I worked in the kitchen.  My neighbor and I planned and cooked food for 150 people all week long.  Then...on Monday Macy started Cheernastics camp at Cheryl Brett's dance studio from 9-4 everyday.  I dropped her off and then went to work at the school until about 1:00 then ran home and tried to rest or get laundry done, etc. Then, I was off to pick her up at 4:00 and then right to church to cook and we would get home about 9:30 and then we would shower and straight to bed.  We would sleep till 8:15 or so and then jump up get ready and out the door by 8:45.  It was crazy busy but Macy enjoyed camp and VBS so it was worth it.  They gave us a show of what they learned on Friday in both cheer camp and VBS.  I have posted a few pictures..Macy is still working on those cartwheels but has the hip bop down!

1 comment:

Goin_Coastal said...

What a BEAUTIFUL girl! I know you're proud, and I'd go back and do those crazy, busy weeks any day...