Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter fun!

Isn't this cute...with her 5 gal bucket!
We had a greaet easter!  Things started early this morning when Macy woke early to see what the easter bunny brought her.  She woke up every hour since 3 am and it time?  I finally couldn't hold her off any longer at 7:00.  She loved all of her stuff and was so attached to the new bucket I bought that she insisted using it to egg hunt.  She has several other baskets that are much smaller but she insisted.  I think it slowed her down but she managed.  We ate with our friends, Jeannie, Scott and Shelby and family.  This was our second annual "Sainz" easter lunch and it was great.  Mom joined us at church and then for lunch and we sure enjoyed spending time with her. (LOVE some Granny)

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