Monday, April 13, 2009

No Zzzzzz

Well I am up late blogging since I can't sleep. I don't know why since I didn't have my nap (a usual for me when I am off from school) I checked off goal number 3 and 4 today. I started with using the weed eater around the pool and Macy's playhouse so David could cut the grass, soon! I usually do that part and he does the rest. (team work) I kind of like doing it but I don't tell him that. Then, I re-organized my closet, I mean I took everything out and then put it back. I like all of my clothes to be hung by colors and I like everthing to be on the same kind of hangers and throughout the year of being too busy to do it the way I like it, every so often, I put it back like it should be. (type A personality, I know) Macy had a friend over today all day so they kept themselves busy. I didn't have the closet finished 30 minutes when I found them inside the closet playing school. She had taken down some clothes from the shelves to put her bookbag and stuff on it. I had to take a deep breath and count to 10 since she had company. I fussed a little and closed the door back. As soon as the friend left,I made her help pick up. I could remember how much fun it was to play between the clothes in my Mom's closet or the store racks!


mhsands said...

Sounds like u might be tired! I'll call u 2morrow.

Goin_Coastal said...

Lord, yes! I can remeber playing in Mema's big closet & thinking we had the world to ourselves. Such fun!