Thursday, May 5, 2011

Doctor knows best!!???

Today I went to the dermatologist to have a suspicious looking frekle removed and while I was there I asked the doctor to give me some advice as to a good sunscreen for Macy.  She took one look at her and said...she is too dark, you need to have her wear the long sleeve swimwear she called them something...they have a name, did you know that?  UGLY is what I would call them.  Anyway,  I was feeling like mother of the year at this point and assured her I ALWAYS use spf 50 on her and that is the truth.  She flew out to begin getting stuff ready to snip on me and the nurse came in and I began to question her about what she puts on her kids.  She looked at Macy and said she just looks like she tans easily and suggested uping my spf.  She gave me some samples and said the doctor always says kids should wear the "swim clothing".  So we celebrated and went out and bought her this rockin new bikini...this should do it, don't you think?



John and Dell said...

Ahahaha - you are too dang funny!!! Love the suit...she is just precious!!!! :)

Goin_Coastal said...

Rockin that new kini, Macy! What do doctor's know anyhow ~ we lived through it! LOL! Olive skin tans, lucky girl! Protect her, love her, and let her be a kid! You go girl!