Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Boxing night

Sunday nght David was watching kick boxing.  The man loves fishing, hunting and boxing...100% MaN.  Anyway, Macy came in and starting watching she kicks a little bit and then says...."I'm going to get my wrestling clothes on!"  We laughed because she came back in with tight swim shorts that I had in the give away box and her "sports bra" and says, "Daddy, I'm going to get you with the upper cut.". what a little princess.   She starts jumping around trying to fight with her Daddy in the recliner.  He finally got up and played with her...of course he had to take her down eventually.


KRZeigler said...

FUNNY!!! Go Macy!!
Hey. I forgot to tell you on the phone, I am having a Thirty One party Tuesday night (June 29) at 6:00. You and Macy should come!

mhsands said...


Anonymous said...

I love the picture of macy on the top of your page....DMAIN

Goin_Coastal said...

That is hilarous! Reminds me of when my girls were little... Wait! They still box & wrestle their daddy ~ LOL! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the outfit, too. How creative! She looks just like a professional boxer!