Sunday, February 21, 2010

Granny Comes to the rescue!

Macy woke up today to an upset stomach.  She threw up first thing this morning (thank goodness it was in the hall on the way to the bathroom and not on my carpet)  I got her cleaned up and back to bed and then she woke up at 7:00 to the poops.  And just let me say I mean the poops....I was asleep (aware that she got out of bed but not ready to wake up) She was in the bathroom a long time and then she came to the door crying..."Mommy I'm sorry but I got poop on the carpet."  I was awake then...jumped up thinking she had pooped in her room going...where? where? Okay..yes I do freak out at the thought of something on the carpet) I then followed her in the bathroom to find poop everywhere, on the floor, on her clothes, on a bath cloth she tried to wipe everything up with, down her leg, on the toilet. OKAY, I am up now!  Bless her heart and she is just saying, I'm sorry Mommy I didn't mean to.  I felt so bad because I guess I do fuss at the poor thing when she spills things.  I helped her get a shower and cleaned up her mess and put her back to bed with a cup of water and cartoons.  She immediately wants to call Granny...she can fix anything.  She cries on the phone and says..."Granny come see me!" Mom tells her no since she has started cleaning her house but calls back ten minutes later and says she can't stand to hear her cry.  I was glad since I love to have my Mom visit.  She rocks Macy and fixes her the best grits ever. By the afternoon she is feeling better and we all take a walk on this beautiful day.  I had alraedy planned to grill ribs since that is Macy's favorite and one of Daddy's too.  He had to work today so I was grillin by myself.  Macy hadn't eaten much all day but she managed to eat 4 ribs. (not at one time)  And she doesn't always clean them really good.  I warned her not to eat too much since her stomach ache might come back but she was willing to take the risk.  I couldn't resist but to take a picture.

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