Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas on vacation!

The first night on vacation Macy and I came in from downstairs and found both beds full of presents.  Aunt GG and Pop Pop (that's what she calls Scott).  They are her godparents and they sooooo spoil her.  I also got my present from David a Wii.  He employed Scott and Jeannie to help him out and I must admit I was a little disappointed all the way to Boone that I didn't get what I wanted.  I had asked for a Wii since the Summer when Jeannie got one and we've been playing with them at their house.  I plan to get the Wii fit to got with it so maybe, just maybe, I will exercise some.  Sounds good, right?

1 comment:

mhsands said...

Warning... Warning...Warning... You will be sore for days!