Sunday, November 29, 2009

Look Mom, no training wheels!

Today Macy faced her fear and rode her bike without training wheels.  I had to run behind her numerous times before she would try it on her own.  We are so proud of her!  She recently asked us for a new bike and I reminded her that she got a new bike last she asked her Daddy expecting to get a big YES! But he told her No unless she learned to ride without training wheels.  SO, I think this was the factor which gave her the push she needed.  Granny taught her to ride a bike when she was 3 and she has been riding like crazy ever since.  Last year when she got her big girl bike we thought she would want to take the training wheels off but no way.  David did lift one so that she would learn to balance it some on her own a few  months ago.  You will notice in some of the pictures she had to check her heels to make sure she didn't have a boo boo.  She is still a little wobbly on the stopping.


Wanda, Geoff and Lexi said...

Yea Macy! She is growing up so fast! I remember when I learned to ride without training wheels. The stopping was the hardest part for me too!

Goin_Coastal said...

Way to go Macy! Desire is a STRONG motivator. LOL! Also LOVED David's crosses. They were really something.

mhsands said...


Meet HB Deal said...

Hey Susan! I have seen the book at McCurdy's. :) It really is fun. Happy Holidays!